Puget Sound Sump Pump Installation
Need a Sump Pump Installed?
Are you struggling with flooding problems? Experiencing constant water leakage in your basement? Unfortunately for homeowners, the heavy Puget Sound rainfall increases your flood risk.
The best way to prevent flooding & water damage is to install something called a sump pump. A sump pump is an electric pump designed to eliminate excess water and keep your basement and crawlspace as dry as possible. The last thing you want is extensive water damage done to your home – especially when it can be prevented!
Contact Green Attic to get your sump pump installed in Snohomish, Pierce, and King County.
What is a Sump Pump and What Does It Do?
A sump pump is a pump, located in a basin underneath your crawl space. This pump works to redirect stagnant water out of your crawl space. It detects rising water levels, and when a certain level is hit, it directs the water into a french drain and away from your home. Usually, the water is channeled into a storm pond or dry well. By eliminating excess water, you can prevent flooding in your basement and crawlspace.
Without a sump pump, you run the risk of standing water becoming a breeding ground for pests, bacteria, and mold. These contaminants can poison your home’s airflow and put your family’s health at risk.
Contact a Puget Sound Sump Pump Company
For a free inspection or any questions regarding sump pump installation, contact Green Attic today.

Our Sump Pump Installation Process
Here is an overview of our tried and true sump pump installation process:
Dig Your Basin
First, we dig a basin underneath your crawl space. A typical basin is 18-20 inches deep and 8 -24 inches away from your home’s foundation.
Dig French Drains
Next, we dig french drains. A french drain is a perforated drain pipe installed into a low-lying trench, filled with rocks or gravel. We then form a path that will redirect the water away from your home.
Install Vapor Barrier
A vapor barrier works in conjunction with your sump pump to keep water, moisture, and humidity out of your crawl space. We install your vapor barrier to exact measurements, ensuring that no air is exchanged between the barrier and crawl space.
Install Sump Pump
Lastly, we install your sump pump at the lowest end of the basin. The sump pump will automatically begin pumping out water when the levels become too high.
Our Sump Pump Installation Process
Here is an overview of our tried and true sump pump installation process:
Dig Your Basin
First, we dig a basin underneath your crawl space. A typical basin is 18-20 inches deep and 8 -24 inches away from your home’s foundation.
Dig French Drains
Next, we dig french drains. A french drain is a perforated drain pipe installed into a low-lying trench, filled with rocks or gravel. We then form a path that will redirect the water away from your home.
Install Vapor Barrier
A vapor barrier works in conjunction with your sump pump to keep water, moisture, and humidity out of your crawl space. We install your vapor barrier to exact measurements, ensuring that no air is exchanged between the barrier and crawl space.
Install Sump Pump
Lastly, we install your sump pump at the lowest end of the basin. The sump pump will automatically begin pumping out water when the levels become too high.

Benefits of Installing a Sump Pump
- Prevents Flooding
- Reduces Risk of Mold & Mildew Growth
- Protects Home’s Structure
- Decreases Humidity & Moisture Levels
- Improves Air Quality
- Safeguards Wood Walls & Beams
- Long Lasting Machinery
Benefits of Installing a Sump Pump
- Prevents Flooding
- Reduces Risk of Mold & Mildew Growth
- Protects Home’s Structure
- Decreases Humidity & Moisture Levels
- Improves Air Quality
- Safeguards Wood Walls & Beams
- Long Lasting Machinery
Sump Pump Frequently Asked Questions
Do I Need a Sump Pump?
Without a sump pump, your home runs the risk of flooding every time it rains here in Puget Sound. If you struggle with any type of water damage or leakage we recommend having a sump pump installed. Not only will it protect your home against water damage, but it improves your air quality, reduces the risk of mold growth, and decreases your humidity levels. If you have questions about sump pumps don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 1(800) 931-1938.
Do I Need My Sump Pump Professionally Installed?
It is difficult for homeowners to perform a do-it-yourself sump pump installation. Crawl spaces are difficult to enter and maneuver, and the electrical installation is complicated. It takes the right experience and skill to properly install french drains, vapor barriers, and of course sump pumps. Contact Green Attic for more information about our professional sump pump installation services.
How Long Does a Sump Pump Last?
If installed properly, a sump pump generally lasts up to ten years.
What Areas Does Green Attic Provide Sump Pump Services?
Green Attic provides sump pump service and installation for homeowners across Puget Sound. Our main service areas include Snohomish, Pierce, and King Counties.
How Can I Get a Sump Pump Installed By Green Attic?
Call us today to schedule a free inspection at 1(800) 931-1938 or schedule a consultation online.